How Blink’s Cloud-Kitchen tech stack empowered a local business to 7x their online orders in 6 months

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قصة مطبخ 2030 ، مطبخ كلاود في باكستان ، هي قصة تمكين المرأة. في العائلات في جنوب آسيا ، تدير النساء المطبخ ، الأمر الذي قد يستغرق ما يصل إلى 4-6 ساعات من يومهن ، مما يتركهن بلا وقت للتركيز على أنفسهن. 

قام المؤسسان سابين أحمد وأحسان بمهمة النهوض بالمرأة في جنوب آسيا ، من خلال تزويدهن بطعام موثوق به وصحي وبأسعار معقولة يصل إلى عتبة بابهن في غضون 20 دقيقة ، مع 30 خيارًا للاختيار من بينها. من خلال منح هؤلاء النساء بضع ساعات إضافية من يومهن لتحقيق أحلامهن ، يأمل مطبخ 2030 في رؤية مجتمع لا يتم فيه إبقاء النساء في المطبخ فحسب ، بل يعيشن حياتهن على أكمل وجه. 

يأتي اسم مطبخ 2030 من رؤية تقديم 20 دقيقة التسليم ، مع 30 ماركات للاختيار من بينها. ومن ثم ، انطلق 2030 Kitchen Cloud Kitchen في رحلته من خلال افتتاح 4 علامات تجارية في يوليو من عام 2021. 


من خلال هذه الرؤية ، يتمثل الهدف الرئيسي لمطبخ 2030 في تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الوجبات التي يسهل الحصول عليها في الجيب. لهذا السبب ، اختاروا إعداد مطبخ مظلم لتقليل تكاليفهم وبالتالي الأسعار التي يفرضونها على عملائهم. ومع ذلك ، فقد ثبت أن هذا يمثل تحديًا من منظور التسويق واكتساب العملاء ، حيث كانوا يفتقرون إلى مطعم مادي يسمح لهم بجذب العملاء وبناء اسم العلامة التجارية لأنفسهم. 

Moreover, when it came to providing a variety of meals under a multitude of unique brands, 2030 Kitchen found it challenging to run the first 4 brands simultaneously from an online-only ordering setup. Each brand requires due attention and creating a separate online ordering setup for each was proving to be a demanding task. 

علاوة على ذلك ، منذ أن كانت 2030 Kitchen علامة تجارية ناشئة في عام 2021 مع القليل من قيمة العلامة التجارية أو لا قيمة لها ، كان من الصعب الحصول على كمية مناسبة من العملاء المخلصين ليس فقط الجدد ولكنهم مخلصون لتقديم الطلبات والحفاظ عليها. 


5 months after its conception, 2030 Kitchen joined hands with دانكن بعد in November 2021 to launch its online ordering channel. This included a 2030 Kitchen ordering website and iOS and Android mobile applications where their customers could directly place orders for pickup and delivery.


Catering to Multiple Brands

Joining Blink solved the problem of owning an online channel, but the additional value that Blink provided was the ability to run multiple brands under one roof. With Blink’s single cart functionality, customers could place orders from the 4 different 2030 Kitchen sub-brands or restaurants, and have them delivered to their location all at once, with a single delivery fee. Each sub-brand has its own category in the 2030 Kitchen website and app, allowing customers to easily browse through all varieties from one window and choose the meal that satisfies their needs. Additionally, Blink’s Geo-Fencing capabilities allowed customers to view the nearest 2030 Kitchen branch, and view menu information from that specific branch. This improved customer experience, and increased the brand’s operational efficiency.

Acquiring, Retaining & Growing Customers

Building an online ordering platform is still the easy part. But Blink’s unified ordering solution also provides an engagement module for brands like 2030 Kitchen to engage directly with their customers. Customer data is of utmost importance for brands, and Blink gives its clients full access to their data. 2030 Kitchen has been able to collect data of 10,000+ customers in a short time, giving them the opportunity to retarget customers and build a loyal customer base. This has been a successful endeavor for the brand, as they have been able to send Push Notifications to their customers from Blink’s backend portal, allowing them to promote their offers and retarget their customers. 

Another Blink feature that 2030 Kitchen has made the most use of is the e-wallet top-up feature. In one instance, the brand executed a campaign to meet its sales target by topping up their customers’ e-wallets with PKR 200, with a message that said “We miss you, here’s PKR 200 for you!” This allowed them to increase their customer loyalty, and increase their repeat purchases. 2030 Kitchen has also used Blink’s platform to carry out 15 SMS campaigns, sending 59K SMS messages to reach their customers, expanding their reach on multiple touchpoints, and increasing their orders. 

Improving Business Decision-Making

Moreover, through Blink’s platform, 2030 Kitchen has been able to keep track of its order trends, on the basis of which they have been able to allocate more manpower and budget to certain sub-brands over others to increase their sales. 

2030 Kitchen started out with 2 branches in one city, but as time progressed and their orders began to increase exponentially, they decided to scale their business, which now stands at 6 branches. They were able to determine the need to scale through the (Order Heat Map) Blink provides in the backend portal, which allowed them to see that they were getting orders from far-flung areas. Thus, cementing the need to expand their operations.


Since joining Blink, 2030 Kitchen has seen an exponential increase in its online orders. By putting the convenience of their customers first through the use of a world-class ordering website and mobile application, they have been able to garner a loyal customer base of 10,000+ customers

In just the last 5 months, 2030 Kitchen has accomplished 7.1x growth in online orders. 

Moreover, their overall Repeat Purchase rate according to the Blink dashboard is 17.01%, which goes to show that a significant number of their customers come back to place another order with them online. 

By having a unified ordering experience with seamless payment, logistics, and delivery integrations, 2030 Kitchen has been able to achieve a 4.47 rating from its customers. 

Blink has been able to help multi-brand cloud kitchens like 2030 Kitchen not only improve their unit economics but build relationships with their customers and drive growth.

Are you looking to launch your own multi-brand cloud kitchen, or grow your existing restaurant’s profitability? Give Blink a try, we promise you won’t be disappointed.

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