How to Gather and Use Customer Reviews in Marketing

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Customer reviews don’t just serve the purpose of feedback, but they can also be used in marketing and repurposed. Customer reviews are an asset for your business.

Besides providing valuable input to your product and services, they are a validation to your company and an assurance of quality for other customers.

These customer reviews can be used in social media marketing as testimonials and are also a source of building a brand for your business. Therefore, it is important to gather them first and then use them to your advantage in the second. Coming to the first, collecting customer reviews can be through incentivizing them.

Promoting customer reviews through advertisements can be a way to make patrons feel special. It can also motivate other customers to do the same. Your business can offer some discount or free drink for each customer review. You can also provide discount coupons for future purchases.

You should train your staff to ask satisfied customers to leave reviews politely. Also, if your business takes reviews seriously, you should respond to each, especially those who have pointed out something terrible, and address those with corrective discourse. This will automatically encourage others to provide you with their feedback.
According to a 2017 survey, 84% of consumers trust reviews just as personal recommendations. The same study found that people read up to 10 reviews before purchasing.

Reviews can help show prospects how you measure up to your customer’s expectations. Hence, you must use these reviews on your landing pages.

Sharing third-party validation on social media helps increase your brand’s credibility, boost engagement, and grow your company’s bottom line. Start leveraging your own company’s reputation in marketing campaigns for improving conversions, click-through rates, sales, and revenue.

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