As a restaurateur, if you are struggling with getting repeat customers or just want to increase the number of your returning customers, then here are 5 ways to help you achieve that goal.
1. Offer A Loyalty Program
A loyalty program is one of the sure-fire ways to get repeat customers. Creating a loyalty program ensures your customers return to earn free perks.
However, nobody wants punch cards they have to carry around in this digital day and age, expecting convenience to be more convenient than ever. Ensure your restaurant has a POS system with an integrated loyalty program to ensure your customers’ return.
2. Give Out Occasional Gifts
People love getting free stuff. A brilliant way to get return customers is by giving them free stuff. For customers, it’s less about the financial savings and more about their restaurant giving them special treatment.
Tell your staff to take notice of the regulars and offer them complimentary desserts or drinks once in a while to make them feel appreciated.
Doing stuff like this won’t cost your restaurant much but will go a long way to ensure customer loyalty.
3. Support Local Industries
Another good way to get repeat customers is by showing a sense of community. Support local businesses such as local suppliers, farmers and hire staff locally.
Supporting your community will build your restaurant’s good reputation among the locals. Your community will want to support you just as you are supporting them, which will keep bringing them back to your restaurant.
4. Provide Entertainment
People always want good entertainment with good food. Suppose you provide live entertainment in your restaurant or set up game stations, such as arcade games. In that case, this will incentivize customers to come to your restaurant and bring back old customers from the fear of missing out if nothing else.
5. Use Social Media
Your social media platforms are a fantastic way to get in customers. Social media allows your restaurant to make appearances on their accounts, reminding them of you, even when they are nowhere near your business.
Use your account by posting pictures of delicious food and promoting deals as an incentive for them to come to your restaurant. By appearing on their feed repeatedly, you make them want to eat your delicious food again, and before you know it, you got yourself some regular customers.