4 Ways to Use Local & Mobile Marketing to Grow Your Food Business

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As an owner of a food business, you yearn to surpass your competitors every day. And why not?

It’s a fair shake; a tactic that goes hand-in-hand is the adoption of mobile and local marketing campaigns. 

According to a recent study, 81% of mobile customers have visited a local restaurant.

And you, as an operator, have a golden opportunity to avail mobile and local marketing to grow your food business.

Listed below are various ideas for mobile and local marketing for your business.

Digitise your menu

For online presence, one can’t go by ignoring mobile devices. Continually hone your website for smartphones and tablets –and intelligent amelioration.

In the same study, around 70% of customers prefer mobile-friendly menus. With these numbers in mind, submitting reservations and picking up and ordering food from mobile devices should be a painless experience for people.

Introduce texting

Swamped with orders? A proposition, introduce text messages, letting people know when their table is available. People can stroll around the block without losing their spot in the queue. Hence, an affability for customers while they wait.

Hot deals

Bringing flash deals occasionally is for days when business is prolonged. It always gets people’s attention when there is no line-up at all.

Why not send a short text of a special deal, like, “Hors d’oeuvre going out tonight! 5-7 pm, $5 only”?

Mobile rewards

To make it more feasible for customers, more and more businesses are turning towards mobile payment and reward systems –broadening the customer base—also the future of POS systems.

Mobile rewards will soon replace banal methods. Bringing a mobile reward system on board for people living around the block and nearby suburbs—another helpful tactic is building customer relationships. 

Look at Comarch and Glue Loyalty, well-known reward apps designed for food businesses.

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