
How to Successfully Use Blink’s Restaurant Analytics in Saudi Arabia to Increase Revenue

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The Saudi Arabian foodservice industry was worth US$ 22.42 billion in 2020, and it is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8.90 percent from 2021 to 2026.

With Saudi Arabia’s burgeoning foodservice business, it’s critical to make use of all available resources to increase your restaurant’s revenue.

Using restaurant analytics in Saudi Arabia can help you guarantee that you are running well.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the whole foodservice industry in Saudi Arabia with various segments being impacted to differing degrees.

The Catering Price Index (which is impacted by the price and sales of food goods) increased by 2.0 percent from the previous year, bolstered by food price rises, putting foodservice operators and caterers on the front lines of growing inflation.

The worst-affected category is in-restaurant eating, owing to travel restrictions, a general aversion to big gatherings, and social distancing rules. All of which have resulted in the closure of an increasing number of restaurants across the nation and a consequent reduction in earnings.

With so many changes affecting the foodservice sector, it’s more important than ever for restaurant owners to understand how their businesses are performing. This allows them to be able to make changes so they are serving customers well and can stay afloat.

Using restaurant analytics in Saudi Arabia with solutions like Blink’s quick commerce enablement platform will provide you with the data you need to improve your business performance along with a host of other useful features.

These improvements can assist you in meeting customer demands, staying ahead of your competition, and providing the best possible experience to your customers.

What is Restaurant Analytics?

Restaurant Analytics

Gathering, measuring, and integrating numerous kinds of data to offer clear, actionable insights that help you make educated decisions is what restaurant analytics entails.

Unlike restaurant reporting, which compares data sets, restaurant analytics go deeper into the meanings of figures commonly called key performance indicators (KPIs). They explain the entire story of your restaurant’s performance in a way that you’ve never heard before.

Furthermore, restaurant analytics provide you with insights that assist you in determining what factors contribute to your restaurant’s profitability and what factors detract from it. You can improve operations, alter stocks, educate personnel, fine-tune menus, and rethink consumer interactions based on these results.

While it’s hard to anticipate and predict everything, diving into your restaurant statistics will provide you with a wealth of useful information to help your restaurant grow. Restaurant analytics are crucial to have built into your online ordering system because if you can measure performance, you can improve it.

The capacity of restaurateurs to pull such data has improved as restaurant technology has advanced in the last few years.

Previously, restaurant owners depended on their own observations or handwritten notes to keep track of things like sales revenue, the number of orders placed, the number of tables served, and client feedback.

The observations made by restauranteurs would aid in employee scheduling, food ordering, menu planning, and restaurant layout considerations.

Advancements in technology have enabled online ordering software to deliver critical business insights that would otherwise be unavailable.

Even new managers can gather restaurant statistics with the correct technology in place, allowing them to make the right decisions to help them achieve optimal productivity and excellent customer service.

Is Restaurant Analytics Really Important?

Continuous and in-depth study of your restaurant’s statistical data, just like any other business, is critical to its success.

You can notice declining trends and implement measures to counteract them by examining your restaurant data on a regular basis.

Similarly, you will become aware of opportunities that you would have overlooked if you hadn’t used analytics.

Restaurant analytics can assist you with upgrading your menu by discovering your best-selling products as well as those that aren’t as popular. You can then either eliminate low-performing items from the menu or reduce their prices to persuade your customers to purchase more.


How Can You Analyze Restaurant Data?

Restaurant Data

After you’ve collected the data, you’ll need to examine it. This is where restaurant analytics will help.

The only way to make your restaurant’s data meaningful and helpful is to analyze it. Without the analysis, data carries no value.

To begin analyzing data, consider the areas of your business that need improvement. Have you seen a decrease in sales? Is there any extra inventory for one of the menu items? In this manner, you will have a good idea of what your primary problems are.

If you were to generate analytics manually, you’d have to use these pain points as a starting point, go into the data, run reports, and organize it to discover trends and insights.

This, however, not only takes a lot of time but requires great expertise and attention to detail. Therefore, Blink’s built-in live dashboard and business analytics tool puts the data into easy-to-read and understand graphs and charts.

With Blink, you have all relevant information laid out in ways that are both useful and simple to interpret. It highlights the key areas of your business’s functioning so that you can make informed decisions to increase sales and engage customers.

How Blink’s Restaurant Analytics in Saudi Arabia Can Improve Sales and Increase Revenue

Here are some ways in which Blink can help your business increase sales and revenue.

1.     Gain a Better Understanding of Your Customers and Improve Their Order Experience

Restaurant analytics may provide you with vital information about your customers and assist you in a variety of ways.

You’ll be able to develop detailed customer profiles using information like demographics. You’ll also be able to make better judgments on menus, inventories, and even prices once you’ve gained this expertise.

Furthermore, analytics will offer you customer preferences, allowing you to better address their personal demands and improve customer experiences.

Finally, you’ll be able to remain on top of customer reviews and feedback and make required changes swiftly.

With Blink’s comprehensive merchant portal, you have complete control and ownership of your customer data. This is extremely valuable for your business to grow whereas third-party aggregators do not offer restaurants this vital information.

Blink gives you information for both registered and guest customers so that you can filter relevant customer data.

Information such as customer names, contact information including mobile numbers and email addresses are available for your business in a secure, password-encrypted system.

You also have access to a breakdown of each customer’s ordering habits and order history with information about:

  • total orders
  • total revenue
  • the first and latest order
  • generated loyalty points

2.     Evaluate and Update Your Restaurant Menu

Restaurant analytics can assist you in rethinking your menu. When it comes to analyzing statistics to figure out how the items on your menu should be organized, the best place to start is with a food cost report and a sales record for each menu item. This will show you which items are selling and which are not.

With Blink’s dynamic dashboard, you have an overall breakdown of total orders by timeframe, product, branch, and customer.

You gain insights into branch-wise data regarding which items and product combinations customers purchase the most and which items are selling fast.

You can also view order trends including order heat maps, trending items, rejected order trends, and more.

Moreover, Blink’s dashboard also indicates how to create frequently purchased item combinations, shows you which items sell well together and which items are not converted into meals.

With this information, you can analyze your menu as well as make changes to improve sales and offer customers what they are after.

You can decide on special items and deals with events or holidays in mind.

Was there a customer favorite winter meal from the previous year? This year, iterate on that dish to ensure that your seasonal menu is right on track.

Because the New Year’s Day combo from last year was so successful, you might want to include some of the same offerings on this year’s menu, too.

You may have noticed that a particular cheese add-on has not been selling for months. To avoid wasting inventory and refrigerator space, remove it from your menu. You can replace the cheese with one that is more popular on another menu item.

3.     Business and Restaurant Growth

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Blink offers business intelligence tools with powerful system-generated business analytics that are segmented by branch, products, and customers. These analytics enable businesses like yours to make data-driven decisions.

Some of these analytics include a detailed brand health analysis, branch analysis, individual product analysis, user retention data, and conversion analysis.

These are the elements that can be worked on and amended to help your restaurant grow and meet customer demands while figuring out how your restaurant can function effectively.

4.     Marketing Campaigns and Loyalty Programs

With important customer data, you can launch marketing campaigns.

Having your customers’ contact information enables you to roll out marketing campaigns directly to your customers with the most impact while retaining existing customers on your online ordering platform.

You have a clear image of your customer base and can leverage the insight from all of your data sources to your advantage. This may influence how you sell to them in order to fill in low times of sales and make the busy periods even more efficient.

Concentrate your marketing efforts on the types of customers you want to see more of.

Not only can you create the most efficient marketing campaigns using the customer data you gather with Blink, but you can also use in-built marketing tools to assist you with creating and sending out the campaigns themselves.

Blink’s admin portal includes the option of launching SMS marketing campaigns. Furthermore, you can view if your sales increased after running an SMS campaign and thus deduce its effectiveness.

You can also use the data Blink gathers for you to identify your loyal customers and out how to best reward them. Blink’s built-in loyalty programs help streamline operations, even more, making offering a pleasant customer experience a breeze.


In Conclusion

With the rise in restaurant system digitization, finding software that can provide you with useful restaurant analytics is more important than ever.

Sound decision-making is aided by good food analytics. To examine your restaurant sales figures and manage your restaurant at maximum capacity, you don’t need to be a data scientist. All you need is the right technology.

Blink provides online ordering solutions that allow you to offer your customers quicker deliveries, multilingual capabilities, a user-friendly interface, and direct engagement with your brand.

You may also leverage Blink’s fleet management system, advanced real-time analytics, and business intelligence reporting capabilities.

Businesses have achieved exponential sales growth with Blink’s platform, with two times the order growth in the first three months. Blink provides businesses with the capability of a 30-second frictionless order placement window.

Blink’s platform has been demonstrated to enhance user retention, with 50% of initial orders converting to repeat orders and 60% of new customers placing orders.

Finally, restaurant data analytics will steer your company on the right path through informed decision-making, allowing it to develop and prosper and Blink can help you do just that.

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