
3 Tips for Restaurant Email Marketing Campaigns

If you’re in the food business and managing or just starting with running marketing campaigns for your business, you’re abstaining from e-mail marketing.

Some consider e-mail marketing as old-school –ineffective.

On the other hand, some tend towards the social media platform for a broader reach. 

We sure have some eye-raising news for you:

  • Close to 91% of consumers check their e-mail regularly.
  • An E-mail has almost thrice user accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • According to Statista, there were around 4.1 billion active accounts back in 2014, and here’s the interesting fact, this number is expected to reach almost 5.6 billion towards the end of the decade.

When it comes to discount offers and loyalty campaigns running at the restaurant, you need to promote them. Hence, e-mail marketing is your ‘call to rescue’. Moreso, one of the top mediums for customer communication, engagement, and audience growth.

Below are some terrific tips for campaigners looking to stand out from the crowd –competitors.

Assemble a list of Subscribers.

One of the first tips for a restaurant campaigner is to hunt for subscribers for their e-mails. Now, these can be the people who:

  • Visit your restaurant. At the time of patrons’ departure, hand them suggestion forms. Studies suggest people are most interested in e-mail signups for future deals, offers, and discounts.
  • Land on the website. For those who prefer ordering via the website, ensure a signup form is visible on the homepage, menu, and booking page.
  • Take-outs and delivery orders. Squeeze your signup page into take-outs and delivery orders for those using this medium and inform consumers to subscribe for future discounts. 

Set a Format for E-mails

So, once you have acquired a list of subscribers, it’s time to send them an e-mail. Follow the guidelines highlighted below:

Choose a fascinating subject line.

It’s true. The subject line is a primary factor in determining whether people are interested in opening your e-mail. Be innovative with words. Keep it short, and use phrases that grab attention by the horns. For instance, All you can eat for FREE on your next Birthday!

Personalize your messages

If you’re starting with the typical “Dear Customer” e-mail, chances are it won’t get noticed enough. Studies have revealed that people feel more attentive and exceptional when called by name. Stick to their names. That would make it look as if the e-mail is only for them.

Include a CTA

This could be a link to the menu or online booking. In short, add a button in your e-mail for online orders or deliveries. 

Make e-mails mobile-friendly.

Lastly, ensure your e-mails are mobile-friendly. With most consumers opting for a mobile device –smartphone, iPad, or tablet, on the go, sticking to an e-mail format for the mobile-first should be the focus of your campaign.

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