
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing for Restaurants

Do Have an Online Presence!

In this day and age, it’s almost unheard of to have a thriving business that doesn’t have an online presence. This trend is especially true in this era of COVID-19. 

You can generate considerable buzz for your restaurant with an effective social media marketing strategy that can reach a larger audience than publicity from local newspapers or word of mouth. 

Best of all, the biggest social media platforms are entirely free and accessible to everyone. 

Don’t Bombard 

It might be tempting to post as much as possible to provide constant visibility for your brand. Be wary of overdoing this, as it can also have the opposite effect. 

Followers can quickly become fed up with repetitive posts and unsubscribe from your pages entirely.

Do Schedule Posts Appropriately

There’s no point in posting enticing content when your target audience is unlikely to see it. Ensure that you schedule updates appropriately. 

Updates about specials/new combos should ideally appear when they are best received around mealtimes.

Don’t Ignore Negative Feedback

Always thank followers who take the time out to write you a great review. 

If a negative review or two does show up, make sure you respond to it swiftly. First, apologize and then provide your side of the story if need be while being as gracious as possible.

A long list of unanswered unflattering reviews will make potential customers apprehensive about giving your restaurant a try.

Do Have a Mix of Original Content

Non-stop promotional content can often be seen as a turn-off. While generating publicity about new deals, menu items, and special events is essential, make sure also to include posts that encourage follower engagement. 

Interviews with the founders, behind-the-scenes videos from the kitchen, viewers submitted photos of their favorite dishes, and short competitions are all good ideas. 

Do Hire a Professional

Producing quality content for your restaurant’s social media pages and website can end up being much harder than it seems. 

If you have the budget, hiring an experienced social media specialist can amp up your game. 

At the very least, invest in high-quality professional photography to showcase your dishes in the most appetizing way. 

Instagram and Pinterest are very visual mediums, and it’s always appealing photos that are shared widely and harness the most engagement.


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